Prepare Yumbini Cowboy BBQ Pinto Beans and Rice using 3/4 cup water according to package directions.
While Yumbini is cooking, rinse and chop greens. NOTE: If you use pre-cut and washed greens, skip to step 7.Otherwise, rather than rinsing leaves one at a time, try chopping first and washing after, using a strainer or colander in a bowl or basin of water. Cut leaves down the center and stack into a pile.
Then cut crossways through the entire pile.
Place the greens in the colander/strainer and swish around.
Lift the colander/strainer out of the water and leave all the dirt behind.
Heat the cooking oil over high heat, in a large cast iron, stainless or carbon steel skillet or wok. When the oil is very hot, add the greens. It will splatter and steam so stir quickly.
Cook over high heat until most of the water from the greens has evaporated.
Add Yumbini. Toss lightly and serve! Top with red wine vinegar or a dash of salt if desired.