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So Easy Kids Can Cook it Themselves

School’s out and that means active days and hungry kids at home! Fortunately, Yumbini is so easy to prepare, kids can cook it themselves in the microwave. They will be happy, full, and proud of their independence. You can relax knowing they are filling up on something healthy.

Here are a couple suggestions to make sure kids early cooking adventures are successful:

  • Use scissors to cut open the bag along the line indicated. It is possible for practiced Yumbini eaters to tear open the bag, but it can rip suddenly, leading to an unfortunate Yumbini mess!
  • Be sure to use a microwave safe bowl, preferably not plastic.
  • A bowl with a turned out rim around the top (like the one in our Survival Kit) makes it easier to take hot Yumbini out of the microwave.
  • If you don’t have a bowl with a rim, put the bowl on a small plate. Then you can lift the plate instead of the hot bowl. Put a napkin or folded paper towel on the plate to prevent the bowl from sliding around.
  • The easiest, fail-safe way to measure the water needed is by using a measuring cup. But if you don’t have a measuring cup, you can measure the water using the empty pouch.
  • For extra safely, cook the Yumbini 2-3 minutes in the microwave (until boiling), then LEAVE IT in the microwave another three minutes to soak up water and cool slightly. Then carefully remove.
  • Here are some easy, fun toppings for Yumbini that do not require additional chopping or cooking: nuts, seeds, raisins, dried mango, salsa, olives, pickles, baby carrots, fresh fruits (such as cherries, grapes, apricots), canned vegetables, shredded coconut, salad greens, shredded cheese, yogurt, sour cream, leftovers.
  • Please make sure your kids know not to eat Yumbini before cooking, not to microwave without adding water and not to microwave the pouch.

Finally, sit back and relax while the kids cook! Maybe they will make a bowl of Yumbini for you too!

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Jan Matsuno

Jan Matsuno is a Certified Food Scientist with over 40 years' food product development experience. She formerly held senior R&D positions at Del Monte Foods, Safeway, CCD Innovation and Mindful Food Consulting. After developing thousands of new products for the US and 20 other countries, she launched Yumbini Foods, quick beans and rice, in 2022. She is a proud alumna of Oregon State University.

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