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How to make a hot Thermos of Yumbini!

Today’s guest blog is by Yumbini fan May Yee. She discovered that Yumbini made in the morning in a Thermos, was hot and perfectly cooked at lunchtime – saving her from the dreaded “Fair Food”. The solid nutrition of Yumbini calmed her down and propelled her to a CA State Fair win! Read her story:

You know, fair food is just downright bad – when thinking about what’s available stops me from feeling so hungry. That’s what happened last Monday when I stayed the whole day at the fair waiting for them to get to pastries at Pie and Pastry Show judging. So on Thursday, when I was getting ready to deliver my entry for the Guittard Chocoloate Passion contest, I tried something new: preparing Yumbini in my thermos.

First I filled my thermos with hot tap water and stood it upside down to warm the lid, too. Then I microwaved 3/4 cup of water. When the water came to a boil, I emptied my thermos (saving the water for my garden), poured in the Yumbini, poured in the boiling water, screwed on the lid and the cap, threw it in my tote bag and drove to Sacramento. That was about 7:45 AM.

After I registered my entry, I explored Sacramento a little (found gas for $4.94/gallon!) before I headed back to the fair. I found parking a little before 11 AM and I was feeling a little anxious. So I pulled out my thermos and unscrewed the lid. My goodness, the Yumbini Turmeric Lentils and Rice looked just like the rice dishes I cooked in my dutch oven from scratch! I gave it one stir. Every grain of rice and bean was tender, fluffy, and hot. Just what I needed to calm me down. In a thermos is now my favorite way to prepare Yumbini. And it’s even more instant because Yumbini waited for me!

The judging opened at 2 PM. I had never been among so many people just as enthusiastic about baking as I am. The head judge had to ask the emcee to remind us to stay in our seats in order not to identify ourselves with our entries. I’m proud to write that my cake won the Best Decorated Rosette! I got to tell the Guittard representative that I learned so much about their products on this project. And I’m glad to tell you that I learned yet another way to enjoy Yumbini!

These photos were taken on my phone in the car. I was going to take new pictures at home, but I think these are better documentation.

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Jan Matsuno

Jan Matsuno is a Certified Food Scientist with over 40 years' food product development experience. She formerly held senior R&D positions at Del Monte Foods, Safeway, CCD Innovation and Mindful Food Consulting. After developing thousands of new products for the US and 20 other countries, she launched Yumbini Foods, quick beans and rice, in 2022. She is a proud alumna of Oregon State University.

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