When you are hitting the road this summer (or anytime), don’t forget the Yumbini! You already know Yumbini is perfect to have on hand at home. But it is also the best backpacking and convenient car camping food you will find! Why do we say that? Read on:
Ultimately Customizable
Of course Yumbini tastes great prepared according to package directions. But unlike many “complete” camping meals, you can customize Yumbini into a gourmet bean & rice bowl or salad with some simple toppings, OR add veggies to the heating step for a hearty one dish feast! Take a look at our guide below:
Pure and Simple

You have probably heard of the “KISS” (keep it simple stupid) principle. Sometimes that works best for food too. When you are in that mood, go for your Yumbini straight up. Warm, comforting and oh so quick!
Terrific Toppings

When you want to jazz it up a little bit, we have lots of easy topping suggestions on our recipe page. And most are portable for backpacking and car camping!
One Pot Wonders

Make it all in one pot by mixing vegetables with the Yumbini and water and bring everything to a boil together. For a decadent treat, you can even sauté the veggies in oil in the bottom of the pot before adding Yumbini and water!
Superior Nutrition
You can check the labels for your yourself. But we are willing to bet Yumbini provides more of the stuff your busy body needs like fiber, iron, and potassium, and less of the stuff you don’t like saturated fat, MSG and tons of salt.
No "just add boiling water"
Okay, yes you can prepare Yumbini by adding boiling water in a bowl, but our cook in the pot method is so much faster! We have all had the painful experience of sitting around a stove or fire waiting for a pot of water to boil. Then you pour it on your food and have to wait another eternity for it to be ready. With Yumbini, you simply mix with water and heat the whole meal up together, so in 3-6 minutes it’s done! You can even use the empty bag to measure the correct amount of (cold!) water.
Besides saving time, cooking Yumbini in the pot not in the bag also means you are not pouring boiling water on, and eating out of, plastic. Yes, the “pour in boiling water” bags are foil but they have a plastic layer on the surface. The plastic is made to withstand heat, but still, do you really want to eat out of hot plastic if you don’t have to?
And speaking of packaging, Yumbini is packed in a minimal light weight, easy to flatten and pack out bag.
Is it freeze-dried? No, even better!
You are probably familiar with freeze-dried camping food. Yumbini is pre-cooked and dried. But it uses simple “air drying” to get almost the same result. Why does it matter? Freeze drying is a very complicated, expensive and energy intensive process. Energy intensive usually means more greenhouse gas emissions. And expensive means just what you think – you are going to pay more!
Get some!
So now you know why Yumbini is the best food for backpacking and convenient car camping! Order yours today!