Quick quiz: what ethnic group in the US has the longest life expectancy? If you guessed Asian Americans, you are right. But which group is second? Perhaps surprisingly, it is Hispanic Americans. According to the CDC, US life expectancy for 2022 is 84.5 years for Asians, 80.0 for Hispanics, 77.5 for Whites, 72.8 for Blacks, and 67.9 for American Indians/Alaska Natives.
Asian life expectancy is high worldwide, so their longevity is not so surprising. However, the fact that Hispanic Americans, despite generally having lower education, income, and less access to healthcare, have a considerably longer life expectancy than whites has puzzled researchers. The phenomenon has been dubbed the “Hispanic Paradox”. And this discrepancy is not a new thing. The paradox has been widely recognized for nearly 40 years!
But what do these two long-living ethnic groups, Asians and Hispanics, have in common? They smoke less, for one thing (7.0% of Asian Americans and 10.1% of Hispanics, vs. 16.6% of Whites and 16.8% of Blacks). Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. If you smoke, please find a way to stop. But what else? And can you think of something that is just as bad for you as smoking?
New research is considering the strong family ties and social connections common in Hispanic and Asian communities. A 2010 study of over 300,000 people showed that social support can increase survival by 50%! In fact, according to the study: “The benefit of friends, family, and even colleagues turns out to be just as good for long-term survival as giving up a 15-cigarette-a-day smoking habit.”
Social isolation and loneliness have been found to be so detrimental to human survival that the World Health Organization of the United Nations is working towards having it “recognized and resourced as a global public health priority”. They report that loneliness and social isolation result in a 25% increased risk of early death, up to a 50% increase in the risk of developing dementia, and up to a 30% increase in risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. Disease and early death simply from loneliness and lack of social support – look what a little love could do for us all!
Speaking of love, the advantage of social support and companionship is easily evident when studying marriage. Married men and women, on average, live two years longer than unmarried people. This recent article in Fortune magazine, outlined other social benefits of marriage. Additional opportunities for social interaction and reduced feelings of loneliness in married people seem to actually reduce inflammation which is associated with heart disease, arthritis, cancers, and autoimmune diseases. And not to worry, the article adds that unmarried people can get similar benefits by maintaining strong social ties and engaging with their communities.
Strong social connections are also thought to be a key factor in the longevity of people in so-called “blue zones” around the world. Another key to longevity in Blue Zones is a largely plant-based diet and the consumption of beans. Remember the longevity of Asian and Hispanic Americans? What do their diets have in common? Beans! Soybeans for Asians and pinto, black, and other beans for Hispanics. This entertaining video from Dr. Greger makes the case that “The intake of legumes—beans, chickpeas, split peas, and lentils—may be the single most important dietary predictor of a long lifespan.”
So there you have it: Love and beans for a long and healthy life! Enjoy a bowl of Yumbini with a lonely friend and you both win.