If you think you need to eat more protein, you are not alone. But you might be surprised to learn that most of us eat twice the recommended amount of protein, without even trying. And what we think of as healthy, might be just the opposite.
According to this map, in 2021, Americans ate an average of 124.33 grams of protein per day. That is more than twice the 50g recommended amount. And Americans are not alone. This graph illustrates plant and animal based protein consumption around the world. It too points out that people around the world are eating more protein than they need.
So why are we so worried about getting enough protein when almost all of us get plenty? And what is the big deal anyway? This article examines our American obsession with protein. It points out that “popular diets, like Atkins and keto, have demonized carbohydrates while others, like the Ornish diet, vilified fats. With carbs and fats condemned, protein became the only nutrient deemed OK to eat in whatever quantity desired while still maintaining good health.” “It’s the only macronutrient left standing,” said Dariush Mozaffarian of Tuft’s University.
Through relentless marketing, high protein has become synonymous with healthy. But is it? Mozaffarian goes on to describe how eating more protein than we need “turns to fat”. And not ordinary fat. Excess protein turns into so-called visceral fat, which pads the organs and has been linked to an “increased risk of metabolic syndrome and heart disease”. He clarifies that “excess protein still raises the risk of diabetes even though it doesn’t raise blood sugar”. Yes, you read that right “excess protein…raises the risk of diabetes”.
A new study by researchers at the University of Cambridge, looked at almost 2 million people in 20 different countries. They compared the effect of different forms of protein consumption on diabetes risk. Processed meat, such as deli meats, ham, hot dogs, etc. have long been associated with poor health outcomes. And indeed, they found the equivalent of a couple slices of ham per day was associated with a 15% higher risk of developing diabetes over 10 years. Similarly, about a quarter pound of red meat per day was associated with a 10% higher risk. But surprisingly, even poultry, often considered among the healthiest forms of protein, raised the odds of diabetes; a quarter pound serving daily increasing risk by 8%.
And there’s more. New research from the University of Pittsburg, indicates too much protein may be bad for your heart. Their studies found that eating more than 22% of calories from protein (110g based on an average 2000 calorie diet) can lead to build up of plaque in the arteries. And animal proteins high in the amino acid leucine, had the strongest effect on plaque formation. According to Babak Razani of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, “Our study shows that dialing up your protein intake…could be doing real damage to your arteries.”
But you are probably thinking, what about increasing protein to prevent muscle loss? Many people are advised to increase protein intake as they age. But does it work? This comprehensive video from the energetic and thorough Dr. Greger, reviews many studies on protein supplementation in older people. Study after study shows that protein supplementation had no effect on muscle mass. What DID help people prevent muscle loss? Strength training. Again, the old maxim of “use it or lose it” holds true.
But what about vegans? Can you really get enough protein from plants? Indeed you can, and actually plant protein is associated with better health and longevity. In this excellent article, Walter Willett of Harvard University lays out all the findings about plant vs. animal proteins. Bottom line, as long as you are eating a variety of foods, you don’t need to worry at all about digestion efficiency, amino acid proportions, or anti-nutrients you might have heard about. In a study of more than 130,000 men and women, “mortality increased with greater consumption of animal protein and decreased with greater amounts of plant protein.”
Willett encourages us to “focus on adding more plant proteins to your plate, such as lentils, tofu, chickpeas, peanuts, nuts and beans.” And not just for our own health but for the sake of the planet. He says plainly: “we have little hope of avoiding disaster if we don’t also shift our diets to be more plant-centric.”
Does Willett’s advice about eating more lentils and beans sound familiar? I hope so! Yumbini is here for you, with about 15g of plant protein per serving. Just think of it: if you ate Yumbini for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you would consume 45g protein – almost enough for a whole day! And you would be consuming less than 1200 calories so you would either lose weight (often not a bad thing!) or have room in your diet for lots of other tasty foods.
Enjoy food, enjoy life. You don’t need to worry about getting enough protein. If you enjoy meat, fish, eggs and dairy, for the sake of your body and our planet, do so in moderation. And if you want an easy way to include more plants (and plant protein) in your diet, try Yumbini!
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you change to a mostly, or completely, plant-based diet, please make sure you are getting enough vitamin B12. The easiest way to do this is to take a supplement, or you can eat B12 fortified foods such as nutritional yeast. See complete details in this “411 on Vitamin B12” from nutritionfacts.org.