Halloween is such a fun time of year – and not just for kids! Sometimes I think the adults are having more fun, doting on the kids, laughing at their costumes and maybe even dressing up themselves. Its also a once a year chance to make some silly (and a little bit spooky) special foods to celebrate the day.
But time is always tight, and if you have vegans in your group, pulling it all together is even more challenging! Yumbini is here to help you out! Of course Yumbini is naturally vegan, and with a few simple added ingredients, you will have easy vegan Halloween food under control in no time! Even better, these three new recipes can all be made ahead and/or served at room temperature. Give them a try!
Orange and Black Halloween Salad

This simple, but colorful and delicious salad comes together in about 10 minutes! Bright crunchy carrots add texture and Yumbini Smoky Chipotle Black Beans and Rice provides color and lots of flavor and nutrition. The mild tangy spice may convince some people they like carrots after all!
Bloody Green Fingers

Skelly is really excited about this one! Green cabbage leaves are rolled around Yumbini Cowboy BBQ Pinto Beans and Rice with a bloody ketchup garnish. The perfect “finger food” (pun intended)! Recipe makes 10 big fat juicy green fingers.
Friendly ghosts

This is probably the easiest recipe of them all. Use delicious, nutritious Yumbini Mild & Creamy Red Beans and Rice to make a ghost shape and then decorate with your choice of vegetables, nuts and seeds. (Who knows what a ghost looks like anyway?) A little salsa “blood” would taste good with ghosts too.