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UC Davis: Yumbini is here!

On Thursday, January 19, we delivered our first cases of Yumbini to UC Davis Campus! It will be sold at campus stores Segundo, Tercero and Sage Street Markets. We are thrilled to be able to make fast, nutritious Yumbini available to the over 35,000 students at Davis. We even made a short video of the trip!!

UC Davis is the first in the University of California system to take Yumbini. But all you other UC’s out there: we are ready for you! I am excited for Davis to be the “first Yumbini university” for two reasons. One goes without saying: Yumbini is the perfect food for college students. It is ready FAST, easy to store, and super healthy – way better for your brain and body than instant ramen!

The other reason is that UC Davis is the top FOOD SCIENCE school in California, in fact one of the top in the country. I love anything to do with Food Science. And as a food scientist in Northern California for over 40 years, UC Davis is my “adopted” food science school. (Though Oregon State will always be best!)

Besides being a top food science school, and #1 Yumbini school, UC Davis is:

  • Ranked #1 in the nation in agriculture and forestry
  • Ranked #1 in the nation in veterinary medicine
  • Ranked 10th best university in America by value
  • Ranked second nationally among public universities

And once everyone at Davis starts eating Yumbini, let’s watch their performance increase and those rankings soar even more! Thank you UC Davis and enjoy your yummy and beany Yumbini!

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Jan Matsuno

Jan Matsuno is a Certified Food Scientist with over 40 years' food product development experience. She formerly held senior R&D positions at Del Monte Foods, Safeway, CCD Innovation and Mindful Food Consulting. After developing thousands of new products for the US and 20 other countries, she launched Yumbini Foods, quick beans and rice, in 2022. She is a proud alumna of Oregon State University.

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