I recently had a fantastic opportunity to speak to the Food Product Development class at UC Davis. It is an upper division Food Science class of mostly seniors who hope to create the foods of the future.
I spoke briefly about my more than 40 years creating new food products, both at large companies, and as a consultant. But mostly I talked about my experience a few years ago when I began to wonder if any of the thousands of products I have developed actually help anyone.
“Healthy food” has been a big buzz word for quite a while. But in my experience, some companies are much more interested in selling food than they are in making it nutritious. So often, foods in the marketplace have a “healthy halo”, to make you THINK it is better for your body, when probably it isn’t (sorry sugar frosted cereal is still sugar frosted cereal, even if it is organic or natural). I admit, there are some companies providing truly nutritious health-promoting foods. But these are almost always expensive and targeted toward affluent consumers (don’t ordinary people deserve healthy food too?). And then there are a lot of healthy snacks and beverages. But, sorry, you can’t make up for a poor diet by consuming healthy snacks and beverages. I realized what was needed is healthy meals. That is when I came up with the idea to develop Yumbini.
I deliberately developed Yumbini to be:
- Healthy and Filling
- A moderate calorie meal
- Satisfying 1.5 cup serving
- Moderate salt level
- High in fiber
- No sugar added
- 14-15g protein
- Excellent source of iron
- Good source of potassium
- Shelf Stable and Easy
- Needs no refrigeration
- Lightweight portable pouch
- Prepare using microwave or stovetop
- Ready to eat in 6 minutes
- Ability to measure water in empty pouch

- Acceptable for All People
- 100% plant-based (no animal derived ingredients)
- No common allergens
- Gluten-free
- Soft and easy to eat
- Kids can prepare in microwave by themselves
- No GMO ingredients
- No MSG
- No preservatives
- No artificial ingredients
- Earth Friendly
- Lightweight with minimal packaging means less energy to transport and store
- No refrigeration needed
- Facilitates plant-based eating which has a lower environmental impact
- Beans and lentils have the lowest carbon footprint of any protein
- Beans and lentils enrich the soil by fixing nitrogen from the air
- Not too expensive
- We work hard to keep our costs as low as possible so we can sell at an affordable price
I went on to describe to the students the stages of new product development and some of the challenges of getting Yumbini to market. But you don’t have to worry about that because the good news is that Yumbini is now available! We are thrilled to be able to offer a truly healthy, fast, convenient and delicious product to you and are working continuously to provide the very best quality and prices possible. Click here to get some now!